for the Oil and Gas - Amine Absorption Process
Following are a set of P2 options you may wish to implement. No option is perfect for everyone, but sometimes options that have worked at one facility can work at yours. They might also serve as inspiration.
Reviewed Oil and Gas - Amine Absorption Options
Following are a list of options that have been reviewed by pollution prevention specialists.
These options have worked at other facilities and may work at yours.
Reuse amines
Use an amine reclaimer in the system to allow reuse of amine and minimize the volume of waste generated.
Use amine filter
Use an amine filter to extend life of solution and maintain efficiency.
Manage filters (amine and charcoal)
Change filters only when necessary. Use differential pressure as an indicator of needed change.
Use reusable filters.
When handling filters, tank precautions to prevent oil spillage.
Isolate all drained fluids in a reasonable container for in-process recycling.
Iron sponge and iron sulfide scale
Consider alternative methods of removing hydrogen sulfide from gas stream.
Treat production streams with biocide or scale inhibitor to reduce iron sulfide formation.